lifes a beach

Monday, March 17, 2008

What a Fun Week-End

Todd, Cindy, Noelle and Michelle
This week-end, Michelle and company (Noelle, Cindy and Todd) came and stayed at
our home. What Fun. It was filled with excitement and youthful exuberance. I got to
hear them speak in their native accents (ha ha ha ha), joke around, and just plain old
enjoy their time together. They sure made life more exciting for Julie too. Our house
is going to be a lot more quiet now. After staying up till all hours of the early morning
they all had to get ready for church. Check out my bathroom as they were all trying
to get their last minute finishing touches done in the morning.



Andy and Melissa said...

Oohhh and thats not a really spacious bathroom. Nice work - good thing they like eachother.

NoNo said...

he he he. i love that i'm on your blog. cute pictures! how can i get more of your pictures? like graduation ones?