lifes a beach

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Easter Break

Well, we are back from our trip to visit with family. What fun. I'm going to post pictures
of a few of the highlights.

Eating with Shelly, Rashel and Savannah on our first full day of Easter Break. And.....
Eating with family at one of our favorite places on our last day of our trip.

I love visiting with good friends whenever I have the opportunity. I happen to have two very good friends that live in the same city. I wanted to see them both, so Jeannie suggested we meet at this park. I introduced the two friends to each other. Jeannie and Jim were so sweet to feed us dinner. It was so delicious.


Andy and Melissa said...

Looks like fun. Makes me excited for the end of April.

The Cherry Family said...

Hey Joneel,
would you mind sending me a email with that picture of us in it? it's cute.

Tonya said...


Oh my...that is worth a trip to UT for sure....

so fun!

Foy said...

mmm i love cafe rio, I wish they had it in ca =)