lifes a beach

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sterling and Michelle
Stella with Mel, Julie, Michelle
Me with Stella
Andy with Stella
Melissa and Stella

Sterling and Mel

Stella hanging on to her Mommy, Melissa
Melissa and Andy and kids came for a visit, and so did michelle and
Clark. Tyler lives here, and so does Julie.....DUH, ha ha, anyway,
we decided to go to the Beach so Andy could have some time
there, since he will be missing Carpinteria. We went to Corona
Del Mar, and went to the side where the waves aren't big, so
Stella could have fun playing. We happened to pick one of
the most crowded days there. And wouldn't you know it,
they were having "baptisms" in this little part of the ocean.
I'm not sure which church it was, but it was a little noisy,
and emotional for some of the people getting baptized.
But, we had a great time anyway, Stella loved the water,
and it made a fun family memory.

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